What is the proposed tenure of redevelopment?
The proposed redevelopment master plan will include both market housing as well as affordable housing provided through CityHousing Hamilton and Indwell.
What stage is the project at in the development approval process?
The project is currently undertaking an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Process. The next phase in the process will be a statutory Public Meeting, anticipated for August 9th, 2022.
How many affordable housing units will there be?
There will be approximately 160 affordable units, of which (46) will be owned and operated by CityHousing Hamilton and (114) will be owned and operated by Indwell.
When will the demolition begin?
Site abatement works for the existing townhouse units commenced in March of 2022 and is on-going. Physical demolition of the structures are expected to happen shortly thereafter. Site abatement work is further explained below.
How many storeys are the stacked townhouse units and how many homes will be within each module?
A stacked townhouse block is 3.5 storeys in height and will include a main level unit which will step up from the public street, a lower-level unit which will be accessed from the rear by way of interior courtyard and 2 upper-level units back-to-back. There will be a total of 4 units in each module and a total of approximately 12 – 28 units per townhouse block. The current site design is proposing approximately 287 stacked townhouse units.
Are all of the units the same, or will there be a choice for bedroom/bathroom number for families?
There will be a combination of various unit sizes and bedroom types provided through the stacked townhouses and the proposed affordable housing apartment buildings that will support families.
Are the units wheelchair accessible?
Both the CityHousing Hamilton and Indwell apartment buildings will be designed to meet CMHC guidelines of accessibility with the provision of barrier free or wheelchair accessible suites. Due to the design of a stacked townhouse, each unit will have exterior or interior stairs, and will not be wheelchair accessible.
Is environmental remediation required for the site?
Through an extensive and detailed on site testing program and analysis by a licensed Environmental Engineer, it has been determined that approximately 110,000 tonnes of soil will need to be removed off site. The remediation activity will involve removing all contaminated soil and disposing at a licensed facility. Once this process is completed, confirmatory sampling will be conducted by a progression engineer and a Record of Site Condition will be filed with the Ministry of Environment to support residential uses.
Will the existing trees on site be saved?
In order to effectively clean up the site as per Ministry of Environment regulation, all contaminated soil will need to be dug out and removed. As the extent of contamination is spread site wide and, in some instances, up to 3 meters in depth, all existing trees that are located on private property will be lost as part of the environmental clean up operation.
Will new trees be planted on site?
Through the detailed site plan approval process a landscape plan will be submitted and reviewed by City Staff, including the proposal of new tree plantings throughout the site.
Will there be any garden or shared outdoor amenity spaces?
The master plan is proposing a shared outdoor parkette space at the corner of James Street North and Strachan Street. This space is intended to be a Privately Owned Publicly Accessible Space (POPs), to be enjoyed by both new residents and existing to the Jamesville Neighbourhood.
How will residential and visitor parking be accommodated on the site? And will there be below and above grade parking?
Residential and visitor parking will be provided through a combination of below grade parking and surface parking. Parking for the proposed CityHousing Hamilton building will be at grade and the parking for the proposed Indwell building will be within the below grade garage. Both Residential and visitor parking for the market stacked townhouses will be provided in both the below grade garage and surface depending on the location of the townhouse block on the site.
Will there be provision for Electric Vehicle Parking spaces?
Yes, EV parking spaces will be provided. The exact number will be determined during detailed design and sales stage of the development.
Will there be any sustainability or green initiatives on the site?
Both proposed affordable housing apartment buildings for CityHousing Hamilton and Indwell will be designed to achieve high levels of energy efficiency and sustainability. Other sustainable initiatives will be considered through:
Below grade storm water management tank to control and regulate discharge to City sewer system
Rainwater harvesting for re-use on site for irrigation
Use of permeable pavers to mitigate and control storm water run off
Use of high albedo roof materials to reduce heat island effect
Consideration for energy star in suite appliances
Will there be the provision of bicycle parking available at the site?
The proposed master plan will include the provision for both indoor and outdoor bicycle parking stalls dedicated to the stacked townhouses and both affordable housing buildings.
Will there be a bicycle or car share available at the site?
The Development Group is exploring the feasibility and inclusion of both bike and car share for the redevelopment and such items will be determined at a detailed design stage.
How will private residential amenity be provided for the proposed tenure?
Both the CityHousing Hamilton and Indwell apartment buildings will have both private indoor and outdoor amenity spaces that will be accessible for residents of those buildings. The market stacked townhouses will be designed to include for various private outdoor amenity spaces through ground floor patios, balconies and roof top terraces.